Thursday, June 25, 2009

Analog transmitter calibration

  1. Prior to commencement, refer to manufacturers recommended calibration procedure for this device. This is general terms for a pressure transmitter and in certain circumatances it may be the case that a characteristic of the instrument under test differs from this procedure.
  2. Check instrument against data sheet, P&ID and layout drawings.
  3. Record transmitter range. Output indication shall be calibrated with the transmitter. Record the instrument supply in.
  4. Simulate process variable that the device shall measure ie hydraulic or pneumatic pressure calibrator, temperature bath, manually move equipment, test solution for SG, ph or conductivity. Float type solution interface transmitters must be tested with suitable test fluid (simillar composition and SG). Suitable method of transport and handling the fluids must be provided. Determining the level in measurement chamber must be developed and agreed with the responsible engineer. Transmitter on oxygen service must be subject to pneumatic test only.
  5. Connect the output of transmitter to either the suitable test meter (electrical) or test gauge (pneumatic).
  6. By varying the simulated input signal incerasing and decreasing accordingly set zero and full scale to within the manufacturers tolerance.
  7. Apply varying simulated input 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% and decreasing back to 0%
  8. Calculate percetage error if applicable
  9. Reinstate the device and check installation detail, sign and date accordingly.
  10. Attached any "As Built" drawings or sketches. must be stamped "As Built" and signed/date both in red ink.
  11. Record any defect and deviation on data sheet and sign off ITRs as complete by printing and signing name and date in "Inspected by section"

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